1. Working title

Reframing “Natural History” Film Archives: A Creative Critical Examination of the Cinematic Legacy of Human and Non-Human Encounters (Animals, Cameras, Natural Resources).

2. Abstract
My research centres on the close study and creative reuse of previously under-researched film archival material, with a particular focus on colonial films about natural history and the extractive industries, all drawn from the silent film era. The project generates new knowledge through the composition of essay films that will elaborate critical-historical argumentation through found footage and montage-based film practice. While contextualizing the significance of wildlife cinema in the history of European empires, I construct a critique of the representations of exhibition and encounters between humans and animals. Thus, the research contributes in a timely way to contemporary debates in the environmental humanities and the study of the Anthropocene. The proposed research also aims to create a strong impact outside academia: the films produced will be presented to diverse audiences with powerful and emblematic examples of the long history of encounters (and their aesthetic depiction) between humans and non-human animals.

Keywords: animal studies, bioethics, cinema, decolonial discourses, deconstruction, history of extractivism, oral histories, photography, politics of the archive, posthuman animality studies, structuralism, technological imagination, time-based media, video art.


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