The Ring
Performance art, New media art
Performance art piece “The Ring” written for 7 dancers and directed by Marc Johnson in 2011, was premiered in ENSBA, Paris inside the prestigious glass courtyard “Palais des études/Palace of the studies”. The stage is composed of 12 DMX controlled LEDs bars varying in intensity and color creating a circle of 10 meters diameter. A music piece composed by Alexandre Chevallier and inspired by Serguei Prokofiev synchronize with the lights pulses the pace of the performers. Professional or amateur performers can join the stage to renew the piece and introduce chance. The choreography is inspired by the Boy surface diagram, invented by Werner Boy (mathematician) in 1902. The surface finds its principal application in the physical theory of relativity as it allows the modeling of the curvature of space-time.
Exhibition space
ENSBA, Paris
November 2011
14 min 50 sec
Images credit
© Gilles Gallois
Written & Directed by
Marc Johnson
Interactive System
Alexandre Chevallier
Simon Graichy
Jim Couturier
Nikkita Goile
Ghislain Grellier
Louise Hakim
Steven Hervouet
Yoann Hourcade
Soa Ratsifandrihana
2 computers
10 speakers
10 DMX LEDs lamps
Ableton Live
Max/MSP (Cycling ’74)
Open Sound Control (OSC)